NCPE Meeting


Our next NCPE meeting will be 
Wednesday, March 12th at 10 a.m. on Zoom
We welcome all members of the community to join us!
Click here to join the Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 420 029 1127



Gould School Play

Save the Date!  

This year’s Gould School Play is Matilda JR! The show will be at the newly renovated West Essex High School Auditorium Thursday, April 10th at 7PM and Friday, April 11th at 7PM. Tickets will go on sale next month! Don’t forget to mark your calendars to come and see the Gould School Students in this wonderful production!

Matilda Jr. Cookie Fundraiser

We can’t wait to see your star students perform in the upcoming Matilda Jr. Musical!  What better way to celebrate their performance than to surprise them with cookies?  We have once again teamed up with local baker Sally’s Sweet Shoppe to bring you special sugar cookies with designs that would be sure to please even the hardest critic, Miss Trunchbull!

Please place orders here by Thursday, March 27th.

Boxes of cookies will be delivered to your star on the night of the first performance.

*Cookies are nut free*

Books and Beyond is starting off strong!

Books and Beyond kicked off last week and runs to March 21st. Books and Beyond is a reading program aimed at motivating children to read. Please encourage your child to log their reading on the attached reading logs. Once the students log 300 minutes they move up a level and receive a prize. This year, we are doing a Gamer theme “Level UP: READ to WIN”. Once the Gamers reach Level 4, they receive a VIP Game Pass and book!

Parties will be earned based on highest class participation. We look forward to a great GAME with these Gamers to motivate them and make reading fun.  

Here are the reading logs for reference.

Family Movie Night: SAVE THE DATE: May 16

Save the Date for Family Movie Night on Friday, May 16th at 7:45pm. More details to come!






Please click on "My Account" and "My Forms" to renew your membership dues for each student

for the 2024-2025 School Year! 




Chair Positions Available


Interested in joining the NCPE Executive Board?

Next year, a few NCPE Executive Board positions will be

opening up for election: 

 Co-President

 VP of Communications

 VP of Fundraising

 VP of Endowment

 Treasurer


If you are interested in any position above please complete this application, or want to

learn more, please contact






Would you like to get involved in the NCPE but you don't know where to start?  Click here!  We have tons of options to choose from to fit your level of commitment!  Any programs highlighted in yellow still need a chair/chairs.  Programs listed in white could always use volunteers.  Please email if you have any questions or would like to volunteer.  We can't wait to work with you!





Instant access to the directory and calendar when you are on the go!


You will love the added convenience of accessing the directory from the Membership Toolkit App. The app includes the NCPE Buzz Book and calendar —and links to the NCPE site through your internet browser.


The app is available for free in the Apple Store and in Google Play





Stronger Together 2024-25

The NCPE is grateful for our sponsors!  If you or your business are interested in sponsoring us for the 2024-25 academic year, please click here for more information. 


Thank you to our Sponsors!

We are very grateful to the businesses that choose to invest in our schools each year!

 Click Here for a Full List of Our Sponsors




Platinum Sponsors




Gold Sponsors




Silver Sponsors